From the 1st of August 2014 new legislation is in force which makes it a legal requirement for Russians with passports of two or more countries to inform the migration service. Those individuals who intentionally conceal dual citizenship will be deemed criminally liable. A government representative claims that Russians who are a citizen of more than one state are a threat to patriotism.
If the deadline is not respected, a fine of 500 to 1,000 rubles ($14-28) will be imposed. And if Russians are discovered to have intentionally concealed a second citizenship, they may have to pay a fine of 200,000 rubles ($5,530) or be obliged to perform 400 hours of compulsory community service. Moreover, Russians also have to inform the authorities about any children’s second citizenship.
Russia’s constitution permits Russian citizens to have dual citizenship. However, the owner of two passports is considered exclusively a Russian citizen, except in cases that are provided for by international agreements, such as the one Russia has in place with Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
Lugovoi, who is vice president of the Duma Security Committee, justified the necessity of amending the legislation by saying that it was necessary in order to support patriotism. “Having dual citizenship diminishes the importance of Russian citizenship,” Lugovoi remarked.
“In this case the Russian citizen is connected to another government and is forced to carry out his constitutional obligations with that other government,” he said.
He recalled Russia’s “foreign enemies” and stated that Russia is “in an aggressive world, therefore the government must know about dual citizenship.” Klishas then reminded everyone that in some countries, such as the U.S. and Latvia, a person possessing their citizenship swears to respect the interests of those countries.
While the bill was being discussed, deputies from various parties suggested that by passing this law, the government wishes to uncover officials who have secretly obtained dual citizenship, which would be illegal.
Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines –
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Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines